Social Manager Project
Adapting to current times, BGSA has developed a virtual network, using social networks as a tool to showcase dissemination and promotion for all activities.
For the management of this network have been selected of "social manager" from all over of the world, who have been entrusted with the task of create, manage and treat a profile on the social network world's most famous, Facebook, which would contain the name "Beach Golf" with the objectives set from time to time to make the work more and more interesting and engaging.
The aim of the project is to increase so exponential visibility Beach Golf and We Golf, but also to offer to anyone concerned, the ability to engage in a world which, if exploited in an appropriate manner, can lead
results really huge, when they have a worldwide network wide and varied, and then to create all kinds of contacts and situation.
To date, this project has led to the creation of 51 different profiles, run by "social manager" located in different continents, for a total of 61,000
contacts estimated related to our network.